Thursday, 24 July 2014

ARTICLE: How to Find a Career You Will Love - Stephanie Adeyemi

Lots of people are in jobs they hate, many are in jobs they dislike and the majority of us are in jobs that aren’t best suited to us. This way, we find ourselves constantly looking for jobs in employment websites and companies' careers section, or for job vacancies posted on free-classifieds websites, often feeling unsatisfied of what we find. So what’s the key to finding the right career and loving it? And to be honest; it’s the key to many things in life.

If money makes you happy then go for that, but we all know that people whose sole target is money aren’t really all that happy and more often than not, they don’t love their jobs. If power makes you happy then go for that, although you’ll most likely turn into a power-hungry-not-very-nice-person and you’ll end up hating your job and yourself.
Go to a place where you feel content whether that’s on the sofa with a cup of coffee or standing in front of the ocean and try to envisage yourself doing a job that makes you happy. This job doesn’t necessarily have to be sitting behind a desk; your dream career could be running around organizing events!

it’s Not All Bad
You may not like the job you are in but you got it for a reason. Identify the things you do like about your current role, but don’t limit this to tasks. There could be subjective skills that you have such as avoiding conflict situations or helping people out. If you can figure out what your assets are, you’re on the right path to finding a career you'll love. If you are a new jobseeker, think of the things that people have praised you on while you were at school, college or university, after all, those are the things that you are naturally good at and the things that will make you happy when expressed at work. Not to mention that you’ll be a valuable member of the sales force because you’ll be doing what you do best.

How can volunteering possibly help you to find the career that you are dreaming of ? Well, it can show you what you don’t want to do, but it can also open your mind to a different world of work without the commitment of a contract. Also,
volunteering can really be considered as a pathway to your future employment  Do every internship you can, even in things you’re not so sure of. Skills are not jobs so doing an internship is a great way of seeing what you’re good at, what you’re not, what you enjoy and what you’d rather not be doing on a daily basis.

Careers Guidance
 You’re not the first person trying to find the career of your dreams. There’s a whole world dedicated to it so have no fear! If you are a school or university leaver find out who the careers counsellor is and book yourself an appointment. It helps to go with some ideas not necessarily of the career you want but at least the skills you want to use every day. You may be a great listener but you might not want to listen to people all day long.
Whatever you do, don’t settle! The career you will love is waiting for you, you just need to tap in to the best parts of you and you’ll find it.

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